XXV International Scientific Conference
Conference topic: Artificial Intelligence
Conference date: November 26, 2024, 12:00 p.m.
Conference venue: Free Academy of Tbilisi, St. Tbilisi, J. Nadiradze st. No. 46
Working language of the conference: Georgian/English
Deadline for presentation of conference materials: November 1, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Papers will be published in the refereed journal - "ACADEMLAB"
The following can participate in the conference:
Representatives of the academic and scientific-research field;
Representatives of the executive and legislative bodies;
Representatives of higher educational institutions;
Students of doctoral, master's and bachelor's educational programs;
Independent researchers;
Instructions and structure of conference materials:
- Title page - must indicate author's name and surname, scientific degree, status/position, contact information (e-mail);
- - Abstract (no more than 500 words), keywords;
- - Main text (article): 3 - 7 pages of A4 format. font - Sylfaen; font size - 12; Interval between lines - 1.5 cm;The distance between the fields on the right and left side - 2 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm;Pages should be numbered at the bottom right.
- - conclusion;
- - The used literature should be written in the Roman alphabet;
- - Title of the paper, author(s) name, surname, title in English;
- - The scientific article must be accompanied by an abstract in English. Abstract in English (150-200 words), made in Sylfaen, font size - 10;
- - The article must have a review in Georgian and English;
- The person participating in the conference must submit an abstract together with the article
The abstract should include the following aspects of the content of the article
Subject, topic, purpose of the work;
Method or methodology of conducting work;
Results of work;
Scope of application of results;
The abstract must meet the following requirements:
It should convey the essence of the work and be understandable to the reader without reading the publication itself. It should not contain material that is not in the main text of the publication.
The text of the abstract should be concise and clear, free of unnecessary words, distinguished by the persuasiveness of the wording;
The order of presentation of the content of the article can be changed, the results and conclusions of the work will be presented first. The subject, topic, purpose of the work is conveyed if it does not appear in the title of the article. The method or methodology of carrying out the work should be described if it is distinguished;
New or interesting in terms of application to this work;
The results of the work should be presented extremely accurately and clearly, the main theoretical and experimental results, factual data, discovered relationships and regularities should be given. New results that refute existing theories should be emphasized, as well as data that, according to the author, have practical significance;
Phrases given in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. We should try not to use embedded words (for example, "The author of the article discusses..."). Descriptions of previously published works or well-known statements should not be included in the abstract;
The text of the abstract should correspond to the language of scientific and technical documents, we should not use chalk, it is necessary to maintain a uniform terminology throughout the text;
Abbreviations and conventional designations, other than those generally accepted, should be used in exceptional cases or should be explained at the first mention;
Units of physical quantities should be given in accordance with international systems. Tables, formulas, drawings, pictures, charts, diagrams are used in the abstract only when necessary, when they reflect the main content of the document and allow reducing the volume of the abstract;
The volume of the abstract text is determined by the content and complexity of the document. 1000 characters or 100-250 words are considered acceptable.
Conference materials should be sent to the following email address:
Contact person:
Sopo Alpaidze
599 07 36 76