The mission of the “NEU National Educational University” defines priorities that ensure the best learning, teaching and research environment to meet professional requirements.


The mission of the university focuses on providing lifelong learning by integrating it with the European space.


The university is oriented towards preparing generations with multicultural and democratic values ​​in the ever - changing digital world and creating an educational hub that serves the well - being and sustainable development of society.


By establishing cultural values ​​and social responsibilities, the university contributes to the development of society.


The university popularizes the Georgian language in accordance with national, regional and local challenges.




The vision of the “NEU National Educational University” is to establish its own unique place in the local and international educational space, based on the development of interdisciplinary learning, teaching and research. The university is constantly identifying new fields for the effective functioning of lifelong education to ensure sustainable development.


The vision of the university is to collaborate with stakeholders, conceptualize new approaches, establish ethical principles and develop tolerance.




The values ​​of the university ensure the integrity of the system, which creates the values ​​of a single educational space. The value is a set of goals and means, where values ​​​​are subject to change or reassessment. The following core values ​​​​are of paramount importance for ensuring the sustainability of the "NEU National Educational University":



🔷 Academic freedom;

🔷 Integration;

🔷 Openness;

🔷 Public access;

🔷 Impartiality;

🔷 Equality;

🔷 Honesty;

🔷 Fairness;

🔷 Creativity;

🔷 Socialization;

🔷 Inclusivity;

🔷 Leadership;

🔷 Professionalism;

🔷 Social engagement.


University - Possibilities without Borders

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