Taking into account the results of the unified national exams, the registration period for students enrolled in "Free Academy of Tbilisi" 👇
Documentation to be submitted during registration 👇
✔️ copy of ID card;
✔️ Secondary education certificate - certificate (original, copy) if the certificate is not issued in Georgia, the certificate must be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity;
✔️ 2 (two) photos (3x4) and a version of the photo recorded on a CD;
✔️A copy of the document confirming being on military registration (for boys).
📂 📂 Documents are accepted every day except Saturdays and Sundays in the administrative building of Free Academy of Tbilisi.
Miss.: St. Tbilisi, Saburtalo, Jurkha Nadiradze Street N46, II floor, room N12.
☎️ 0322 36 91 60;
📧 info@freeacademy.edu.ge