
Webinar on the topic: "International Construction Law"


The following issues will be discussed within the meeting:


- Overview/characteristics of international construction law;

- standard forms of contracts FIDIC international financial institutions;

- Parties, obligations and rights of parties in international purchases;

- changed circumstances;

- payments;

- guarantees and insurances;

- Dispute review mechanisms.


Mentor: Teona Kareli, Head of the Contractual Assurance Division of the Legal Service of the Roads Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Georgia.

27.06.2022 at 1:00 p.m


Meeting place:
St. Tbilisi, Saburtalo, Jurkha Nadiradze Street N46
Administrative building of Tbilisi Free Academy.

Those attending the webinar will receive a certificate.


University - Possibilities without Borders

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