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    Admission prerequisite

Prerequisite for Admission to the Programme    


 A person with a bachelor's degree or equivalent academic degree has the right to study at the business administration master's educational programme in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia.


According to the Law of Georgia "On Higher Education", the right to continue studying at the master's educational programme is only for those master's degree candidates who have successfully passed the general master's exam and the exam/examinations determined by the higher educational institution, as well as the minimum competence limit established by the legislation of Georgia or determined by the higher educational institution. The exam determined by the university (internal university exam) reveals the level of general knowledge of the chosen specialty and the level of knowledge of the B2 English language. Questions/tests of internal university exams and criteria for evaluating students' knowledge will be posted on the official website of the university at least one month before the start of the exams (www.freeacademy.edu.ge). A candidate who presents a certificate confirming knowledge of the English language at the B2 level, namely FCE; IELTS; TOEFL is exempt from the English language test. Also, a candidate who has completed a bachelor's or master's degree programme in English.


According to the Order N10/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated February 4, 2010 "Rules for transferring from a higher educational institution to another higher educational institution", it is possible to enroll in the master's degree programme of business administration on a mobility basis twice a year, within the deadlines established by the Ministry and following the rules and mandatory procedures established by the higher educational institution.


Master's degree candidates/students have the right to study at a master's educational programme without passing general master's exams according to the order of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia dated December 29, 2011 N224 "Rules for submission and review of documents by master's degree candidates/students who have the right to study in a higher educational institution without passing common master's exams" .


University - Possibilities without Borders

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